Corporate Innovation within EDF Group: EDF Pulse Programs

In the realm of corporate innovation, the EDF Group stands as a beacon of strategic organization and collaboration. Nestled within this expansive network is the US Innovation Lab, located in the heart of the Silicon Valley and driving innovation on a local scale. However, it’s important to recognize that this lab is just one facet of a much larger tapestry of innovation orchestrated at the group level. Within the EDF Group, innovation is not a mere buzzword; it’s a meticulously structured endeavor that has been built for years and pulsates through the veins of the organization, guided by the Pulse Programs.


The EDF Pulse of Innovation

At the heart of EDF Group’s innovation ecosystem are the EDF Pulse Programs. Those programs, led by the Innovation Direction, serves as a unifying force, weaving together various initiatives that catalyze innovation across the organization. While the US Innovation Lab focuses on driving local innovation, the group-wide Innovation Direction operates from its base in France, steering the ship toward a future of carbon-neutrality and sustainable growth. They build a strategic roadmap for innovation developed in tandem with business lines, and exploring the most pressing topics of our time.

Within the group’s overarching innovation strategy, several key initiatives play pivotal roles:

  • EDF Pulse Incubation: Intrapreneurship takes center stage as EDF Group nurtures and propels employee-driven innovative projects. From conception to market launch, Pulse Incubation empowers creative minds to shape a more responsible future, aligning with the organization’s core mission.
  • EDF Pulse Venture: EDF Pulse Ventures leads the Corporate Venture Capital activity, identifying and supporting start-ups that hold the promise of a carbon-neutral future. This commitment extends across borders, with a European focus complemented by past forays into the North American landscape.
  • EDF Pulse Connect: Collaboration takes flight within the internal network of Pulse Connect. By connecting the right partners to projects and fostering the internal community, this initiative accelerates business growth through open innovation. Dedicated tools facilitate streamlined relationships, simplifying the process of bringing innovative concepts to fruition.
  • EDF Pulse Design: Design becomes a vehicle for envisioning a carbon-neutral energy future, accessible and harmonious with the world that preceded us. Informed by diverse factors, EDF designers explore uncharted territories, laying the groundwork for groundbreaking solutions.
  • EDF Pulse Factory: Embracing a culture of innovation is paramount, and Pulse Factory serves as the catalyst. This program equips EDF employees across the board with the skills and mindset necessary to contribute to a low-carbon world.

Beyond these initiatives, the Innovation Direction steers the ship of the annual EDF Pulse Awards Group, a dynamic start-up competition that fosters innovation. They also support the Business Units to organize local Pulse Awards. Furthermore, a dedicated program aimed at the Y generation of EDF employees nurtures fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, solidifying the group’s commitment to nurturing internal innovation.


A Symphony of Collaboration

While the US Innovation Lab operates autonomously, it is intrinsically linked to the Innovation Direction’s organization. This connection is not one of hierarchy, but rather a concordant exchange of insights and ideas. The Innovation Direction’s strategic roadmap becomes guidelines, influencing the lab’s endeavors while leaving room for independent exploration. This spirit of collaboration permeates the lab’s involvement, ranging from trend analysis to direct contributions to the Innovation Direction’s initiatives.


The dedicated Innovation Direction exemplifies EDF’s profound commitment to sculpting and nurturing innovation within the group’s fabric. This concerted effort not only underscores EDF’s unwavering belief in the transformative power of innovation but also reflects a steadfast dedication to amplifying both internal and external creative ideation. Aligned with this overarching vision, the US Innovation Lab seamlessly integrates its purpose, harmonizing its endeavors with the innovation direction’s comprehensive strategy. While drawing inspiration and insights from the group-level framework, the lab boasts its own unique characteristics, designed strategically to harness the immense potential of the US market. In doing so, it effectively becomes a catalyst, channeling innovation to invigorate local Business Units and, by extension, infusing the entire EDF Group with fresh and impactful solutions.

You are a Climate Tech Start-Up? Look at our Pulse Award and apply to get a customized support, great networking opportunities with the EDF group, a participation in a learning expedition, the access to the Prix EDF Pulse alumni network, and €20,000. Application for 2024 until the 1st of March. More information here.